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  • Writer's pictureAdam Polidano

Henri Cartier-Bresson

"To take a photograph is to align the head, the eye and the heart. It's a way of life"

- Henri Cartier-Bresson

Bresson is considered to be a humanist photographer who was considered as one of the masters of candid photography.

Bresson had a passion for painting focusing mainly surrealism.

After years of painting he had fallen in love with another form of art, Photography.

His Photographic work has spanned all across Genres and sub Genres but his work would more often than not fall upon street and candid photography

In effort to blend in more with the other everyday commuters Henri would mask his film camera with black tape in


hopes of making it invisible to the subject, with this method he would be able to capture ones true self.

Bresson apart from being a photographer, he was also the founder of the lucrative Magnum Photos – A photography agency made up of only the best photographer.

Henri was one of the first modern photographers who took the leap to 35mm film photography, je also would not make use of the darkroom or do any further adjustments to any of his images – the reason for this was that he believed altering an image would take away the legitimacy and spontaneity of the “Decisive Moment” in his photographs.

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