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  • Writer's pictureAdam Polidano

Andre Kertesz

Andre kertesz

From a young age in the 1920’s Andre Kertesz would photography the worlds around him in Hungary, his photographs would range from the poor peasant to the gypsies travelling the lands.

Kertesz would shoot using a multitude of cameras including; Goerz Tenax, ICA Box camera, a Leica and a Polaroid SX-70. He would always shoot black and white on film

Andre’s shots would be meticulously composed to achieve the perfect framing and admirable compositions.

Andre’s style was that in which he would shoot people in which they are in the act of doing something rather than photographing what they were looking at such as the people looking at a landscape rather than the landscape itself, usually doing this as a metaphor to ask the question “what is truly worth looking at”. This is is

For kertesz it would have been an uncommon site for his works to have a normal name, he would have usually named his images with captions such as dates, names and places to make it easier to keep track of works, but in the shot above he gave it a proper name, the adjective lost is there to conjure up emotions and as a metaphor for kertesz himself to show displacement which was far from his fraternity in montparnesse, poorly used profession and cut off from his roots.

When Kertesz would have been shooting from a high angle, he would frequently use a zoom lens to compensate for his un-moving vantage point (He would sit atop a building looking out for possibly interesting shots) he would do this as when he got older he could not go in the streets anymore due to his health, the following shot is from one of his series’ “as from my window I sometimes glance”.


In-text: (, n.d.)

Your Bibliography: (n.d.). André Kertész | artnet. [online] Available at: [Accessed 13 Nov. 2019].

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